The New Oil Painting by Kimberly Brooks

“Kimberly Brooks’s The New Oil Painting is unique in the field: it’s comprehensive, up to date, and friendly–exactly what painters need to have by their side.”

James Elkins, Professor The School of Art Institute of Chicago, Author, What Painting Is

“This is no ordinary how-to-paint book. Instead, artist Brooks assumes readers have mastered the rudiments of the art and focuses on the composition of materials required for painting, such as solvents like turpentine (which, in her opinion, are to be avoided) as well as everything else comprising the paint environment.”

Starred Review Booklist The American Library Association

“Insightful and straightforward. I have been painting for a long time, yet I learned many things from this book.  It is a great addition to any studio—and to keep it near your painting table.”

Enrique Martinez Celaya, Artist

“By drawing parallels between the development of pigments and art epoch’s studies of light, Brook’s material history has vast implications: by investigating the organic how, we can see the pictorial anew.”

Emma Webster, Artist

What could possibly be new about
oil painting?

Oil paint is one of the most ancient, sensual mediums on earth. But even long time professional artists know little about the true nature of the paints and mediums they’re using.  Many suppose that harmful solvents are necessary which they’re not. Understanding the science and the myths behind the materials, what to use and when, will save new artists ten thousand hours of guessing and help all painters get to the poetry faster.  

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